Bend and Mend in 2010

 I’m sending out the yoga etiquette reminders to all so that we can all bend and mend in 2010.   Please take the time to read and following again as I have added some new insight.  Wishing you all love and light for the new year.Hope to see you all soon.  Classes start at Los Al Parks and Rec. Tues. Jan. 5th and Sat. Jan. 9th.  My home studio classes start Monday Jan. 4th.  I will be teaching Thurs. evenings in Lakewood if the class fills.

YOGA 2010 


1. If you arrive late, please come in quietly and sit on the floor until meditation is over.  You may then  roll out your mat, not interrupting other yogi’s meditation.

2. Be mindful of other yogi’s practice and keep conversation to a minimum until after class.

3. Do not offer suggestions or criticism unless asked and then be very mindful of your words.

4. Remember that we are all helping each other by doing our own practice to the best of our ability and in so doing making it easier for other yogis to live up to their highest potential.

5. Listen to your inner dialogue and keep it positive.

6. Be fragrance free as some people are extremely allergic.

7. Try not to step on another yogi’s mat unless invited to do so.

8. Enjoy your practice and be mindful of others enjoying their practice.

What is Yoga?

Yoga is a guided journey that you take alone, yoking or joining body mind and spirit on a path to your birth right, perfect health.  Each pose is a map into a specific area of your energy field.  When you find tight spots and gently “bend and mend” the poses will feel clean and the free-flowing energy will be unobstructed.  Pain and tension are forms of blocked energy.  Yoga opens these energy blockages freeing circulation, making you feel good and your life run more smoothly.  The basic truth is that we are all aspects of the creative Divine Consciousness, grounded in Love and Goodness. When honestly look within, we discover this basic truth is alive within us and we relax into a sense of welcome relief and comfort. It has been proven that practicing yoga three times a week creates a positive change in the level of stress, anxiety, and depression that you experience.  Yoga allows for a state of ease, happiness and peace.  This state of ease is the opposite of disease, moving toward maintaining perfect health.  The yoga poses are a form of meditation in motion.  Listen inward with a quiet mind as often as you can for the guidance and wisdom of Infinite Mind on you mat as well as on the run.  This will allow you to be guided by the Infinite as you live your life.  As you practice listening to your body with a quite mind you feel the energy you are made up of, Love and Goodness.

“May all beings awaken to our true nature and then May all beings be free.”




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