Ultimate Intimacy

Ultimate Intimacy is what we all crave and ache for.  It is the missing part of the puzzle..more to follow,ran out of time. Oh my gosh!  I just realized what I did!  Talking about the ultimate Intimacy and I have to run out before I can finish, something rather ironic about that…………..so anyway hope you’re still interested,” I’m back to let you know I can really shake it down”, I hope.  As I write this it helps me to understand.

  The connection that we search for in every relationship, the intimacy that is so often missing in conventional relationships is what we ache for.  It starts with a deep yearning to know the truth.  The truth of who we are, where we come from and where we will go.  The questions are always there but for some of us the burning quest continues far more deeply than others.  When we are true seekers of answers to these questions, at times we can feel completely alone.  This feeling of loneliness often happens from the disappointment of assuming that a spouse or a sexual connection will satisfy this hunger.  Ultimate intimacy can be  accomplished in this way,  but only in a symbiotic partnership where both parties have the same deep desire to know themselves through the eyes of another with like intentions.  When this is not the case one party seems needy, demanding, pestering and the other seems non communicative and non respective.  Very frustrating to both parties. 

 Passion for the truth is the wisdom I seak to live by, to be true to my needs and desires, what I ache for. To be healthy as I possibly can, mentally, physically and emotionally through my last breath.  To breath in every moment of this adventure so deeply that at times I feel I might choke. Every fiber of my being vibrating and alive, from the tips of my toes to the crown of my head.  To have a companion who knows this same ache and wants to play. Who knows that I am human and at times I settle or compromise my desires.  This compermise creates suffering misunderstanding and confusion for both.  When I realize  I have compromised they feel compromised. But if we both understand this and help each other remember to see the beauty of a sunset, a shooting star, smell a lovely flower, hug a tree and then hug a run away partner we help each other to remember what we ache for, ultimate intimacy. 

You’d think that by 64 and1/2 I’d have these desires embedded in my soul, but that isn’t the case. So I write down my needs and desires, what I ache for so that I don’t become a pest because of compromising. I tell my loved ones and friends so they will help me see the light through the dark times and know the truth of my, as well as their, souls desires, what we both ache for and in so doing find that intimacy.  We are here to help keep the doors open. To help each other shake off the crust. To reach out and touch each others hearts.  To make our hearts our home.

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